In order to survive in the world you must learn, and to gain knowledge you must think.
This makes thinking a primary human necessity for life and a fundamental By Design concept.
And, just like your body, your mind has certain requirements you must fulfill in order to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life:
The 5 Requirements For A Healthy Mind
- Conscious Philosophy
- High Self Esteem
- Unquestionable Purpose
- Crystal Clear Vision
- Congruent Action Plan
In Part 1 of this 5 Part Series we discussed the importance of defining your conscious philosophy.
In Part 2 of this 5 Part Series we discussed the importance of self-esteem and how to develop it.
In Part 3 of this series we discussed the power of identifying your purpose and how to do it.
In Part 4 of this series we’re discussing the importance of creating a crystal clear and infinitely descriptive vision for the life you want.
This is your chance to dream … to make the impossible probable.
Create a vision in every area of your life including your relationships, career, finances, life experiences, health and fitness, etc.
If you were only willing to think big, what would your life look like? Don’t leave your legacy to chance.
Make It By Design.
When your home begins to deteriorate or suffers from a serious disaster like a fire or earthquake, the action steps to save and rebuild your home are obvious.
First, deal with any emergency and stabilize the situation, evaluate what you want, develop a blueprint, create a detailed action plan and get to work!
Identifying Your Vision is all about dreaming what your life could be like if there were no limitations. Don’t be restricted by your current capabilities, skills or resources. Think big, dream big, and let go of all limiting beliefs as you create in your mind and put on paper what you want from your life.
If people aren’t laughing at your dreams, they’re aren’t big enough. — Robin Sharma
Action Steps
Set aside a time and place in small increments as in during your Morning Ritual or take a weekend trip somewhere peaceful and beautiful. Regardless, be sure to create an environment conducive to dreaming big. You will need anywhere from three to six hours to do this task justice.
Begin by visualizing every part of your dream – how it feels, tastes and smells – see every minute detail, in any and every area of your life, make it as clear as possible. From the experiences you want to have, the quality of your life, the people you will spend your time with, even the tangible things you would love to enjoy.
The power of visualization goes far beyond the context of this article but it’s safe to say the votes are in. Not only is there an abundance of research, but an overwhelming number of the world’s most successful people confirm the incredible power of seeing in your mind first what you wish to experience in your life.
As your limiting beliefs melt away and only your dreams remain, what you wish to see will become stronger and clearer. Begin writing down, sketching, mind mapping, or use any other form of creative expression to document what flows from your imagination.
Lastly, synthesize your data into a list of desires, wants, achievements, and feelings in each area of your life.
Want more?
Join me on Wednesday, July 8th at 7pm for an in depth Think By Design workshop.
Develop a deeper understanding of each Think By Design requirement and receive a step by step guide to creating the happy, healthy and successful life you deserve!
Click HERE to register.

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[…] that philosophy you must then create a crystal clear vision of what you want – your goals… followed by identifying your purpose for wanting to achieve […]