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Tag: the wellness group

What Supplements I Take And Why

Eat By Design

Healthy TV Episode 090

Have you ever been caught in the ‘should I/shouldn’t I?’ mind-loop when it comes to nutritional supplements? I definitely have…

There have been times when my fridge was half-filled with supplements of all sorts… Followed by times where I ditched them all and went totally supplement-free.

Right now, I’m finding a ton of value in these 6 supplements and wanted to share them with you in case they can help you too.

To the best of my ability the ideas and thoughts I share are supported by evidence, and where that is perhaps lacking, my personal and professional experience.

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A Common Mistake Many Parents Make

Life By Design

Recently, a mother of two boys asked me “I know it’s important that my kids get outdoors but I can’t find a way to motivate them… What can I do?”

It turns out she had recently read my article about Vitamin N (if you haven’t checked it out, it’s probably a good idea to give it a read first…) and she was really concerned about her 11 and 13-year-old sons, who typically preferred to stay indoors playing more sedentary games and usually put up a fight when presented with outdoor options… Especially in the heat of the summer.

If you’re a parent of ‘tweens (that’s 8-12) maybe you can relate too. This seems to be a fairly common concern when their interest in nature and the outside world gets replaced with iPhone’s and Xbox’s.

Incidentally, did you know that research demonstrates the majority of a child’s lifelong health habits are formed by the age of 12?

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Can Chiropractic Turn A Breech Baby?

Power By Design

When searching for natural ways to help a breech baby assume the optimal birthing position, many women come across information that prompts the question: “Can chiropractic turn a breech baby?”

Imagine being excited for your child to arrive via a non-intervention or even a natural birth? You’ve taken time and energy to create a well thought out birth plan that aligns with your values and you’re certain it’s going to be the exact experience you envisioned for your child.

As the clock ticks down, you patiently wait for baby to turn and assume “the position”…

Until they don’t.

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Want Success In 2018? You Must Answer This Question First

Think By Design

With the holidays right around the corner, it truly is a wonderful time of year!

Unfortunately for many, it’s also followed by the anxiety, fear and despair of the next 12 months…

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to skip those emotions and make this year your best year ever?

Let me help you…

To begin, you must answer this question:

“Who will I be 12 months from now?”

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