Birth By Design | Kanata Chiropractor

Birth By Design

Life By Design

The power for an amazing birth is already in you.

More than any other process in the body, pregnancy highlights the extraordinary wisdom that governs the full expression of health and life.  We witness drastic external changes, feel internal transitions, but what we cannot see are the millions of different hormonal changes and chemical reactions occurring both in the mother and the developing baby. What we cannot fully comprehend is the level of intelligence required to orchestrate this beautiful perfection.

Evidenced by our own existence, we are designed to build and birth babies!  Sadly, most of our society has been taught to live in ways that are incompatible with the expression of normal, healthy function.

The results are catastrophic:

  • More sickness than ever before (heart disease, cancer & diabetes)
  • Poorer quality of life
  • More drugs and surgery than ever before
  • Higher caesarean section rates than ever before

Life By Design is a path back towards fulfilling your potential for an incredible life.  This includes an exceptional pregnancy.

The Principles

The nerve system is the master control system which coordinates and controls every process from creating new cells, to running the immune system, to properly adapting you to your changing environment.

  1. Specific Chiropractic Adjustments help restore and maintain a CLEAR NEUROLOGICAL CONNECTION. Every living thing requires food that is congruent with their design to optimize normal, healthy function.
  2. EAT BY DESIGN addresses the requirements for you and your developing baby to grow and unfold at full potential.
  3. Movement is life and pregnancy is no time to decrease movement and therefore health. The effects of movement are required for proper development and normal birthing of your child.  MOVE BY DESIGN addresses the most efficient movement and exercise patterns for your optimal function.

Benefits for Expecting Moms:

  • Less medical interventions (including c-section, pitocin, etc.)
  • Stronger body for a By Design delivery
  • Decreased damage to structure due to pregnancy-related changes
  • Help you remain active throughout your pregnancy
  • Release in-utero constraint, facilitating the timely turning of baby
  • Shorten labour time by as much as 60%
  • Reduce the amount of pain medication during labour, optimizing recovery time for both you and your baby

Life By Design means a Birth By Design.

To fully express your potential for this wonderous experience, you must fulfill the requirements for your body to work at 100%. Without taking those steps, your chances of building and birthing the best part of you is greatly reduced.

Start the process and enjoy the benefits of your birthright – a healthy, vital and fulfilling birth experience for both you and that special new addition to your family.

Dr. has committed himself to helping others to live the best life possible. After graduating with a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario, he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree and Masters of Science in Chiropractic Sports Science from Life University.   He is the co-creator of Life By Design, owner of The Wellness Group, and co-owner of CrossFit 613. His passion for empowering families runs deep. After experiencing the loss of his sister due to illness, Michael’s purpose became reaching and teaching as many as possible the foundational principles of an extraordinary life.  Since that time he has passionately pursued and been successful in living out his dream. He maintains a busy family chiropractic practice, a full speaking schedule and finds time to implement the principles and practices of Life By Design in his own life.