Life By Design is first and foremost a philosophy, one that comes from the roots of the philosophy of chiropractic. Of the 33 beautiful and profound principles that define it, none is more powerful than the principle that states, “There is no process that does not require time.”
This may seem like common sense but, as you well know, common sense is not common practice.
The power of this principle is that it applies EVERYWHERE — in health, nature, relationships, finance, etc. For example, if you want to be musician, it takes time. If you want to read a book, it takes time. If you want to have a baby, it takes nine months time. There simply is no health process that does not require time.
When it comes to health, losing it takes time! It’s because the effects are not immediately seen that people think they can abuse their bodies with no consequences. Wouldn’t it be great if we dropped dead for 10 minutes every time we smoked, every time we missed a workout, every hour we spent subluxated. That way we could gain an appreciation for the choice we made and its effects. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Each of these actions or inactions takes life from the end.
Bottom line is the choices we make result in a gain or loss of health that inevitably leads to dis-ease, sickness, and death. Said another way: “We are the exact expression of our lifestyle choices accumulated over time.”
It’s always amazing to me when someone has done nothing beneficial for their body for decades and wants to recover their health from years of physical, chemical, and emotional abuse in just three adjustments or with five tablespoons of fish oil.
Just as losing your health does not happen instantly, regaining your health is also a process. The fact is, I’m amazed at the innate intelligence of the body every single day. I’m amazed that we have an incredible capacity to recover, even if we have completely ignored our health for a long time. I’m amazed the body can survive given the circumstances most people put it in.
It is remarkable, when the body’s requirements are met through the Life By Design steps, how quickly healing and a greater expression of life can begin.
Wherever you are in your journey, and whatever it is that you want out of life, please remember that everything takes time. You could be doing everything correctly; the only problem is you haven’t done things correctly for enough time.
Step one is to make sure that you are on the correct path. Step two is TIME.