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Research Shows Tech Neck May Cause Serious Health Problems

Power By Design

The global technology boom may have improved our lives and connected the world, but it has also caused an epidemic of “Tech Neck” and contributed to some serious health problems.

New York spine surgeon Dr. Kenneth Hansraj published research in 2014 measuring the effects of forward head posture (aka tech neck) on the cervical spine and found that a normal 12-pound head can weigh as much as 60 pounds when bent forward.

Imagine walking around all day with a child wrapped around your neck!

Forward head posture has been linked to conditions like spinal degeneration, disc disease, abnormal curvatures of the spine, headaches…even respiratory problems, depression, and reduced mortality.

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When Shoulder Pain Is Not A Shoulder Problem

Power By Design

Having a tough time solving your shoulder pain?

It could be the rotator cuff…

Maybe it’s the shoulder joint itself?

It could also have nothing to do with the shoulder at all. Hmmm.

Here’s how to know when shoulder pain is not a shoulder problem, what the real culprit could be, and how to start fixing it.

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Why Your Posture Matters

Power By Design

Believe it or not posture is not only important for aesthetics and how we look to others, it is vital to the function and maintenance of every body part of your body, from your muscles and your joints all the way to organ health and longevity!

Identifying a postural distortion (and having a plan to correct it) as soon as possible is one of the fastest ways to avoid long-term damage, quickly boost your energy, and safeguard your health over your lifetime.

Take a look around…

You won’t need to look far to see people of all ages and even fitness levels with deteriorating posture.

With more videos games, smart devices and increased time sitting at desks, driving in cars and being generally inactive, we’re not helping ourselves to solve these issues.

Experts are beginning to consider postural deviations and the health problems associated with them epidemic.

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Sleep Routine: 5 Bedtime Habits To Optimize Your Sleep

Power By Design

When it comes to getting good quality sleep, most of us are failing… Issues with sleep is the 2nd leading cause of doctor visits, and prescription sleeping ‘aids’ have skyrocketed in the past decade.

Clearly, we are doing something wrong…

In this blog post, I share my own sleep routine including 5 bedtime habits that I have found to help in getting my sleep on track. I also share the best-kept secret to better sleep that few people know about…

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