Power By Design Archives - Page 5 of 8 - Kanata Chiropractor

What Your Child’s Posture Can Predict About Their Future Health

Power By Design

There’s little question measuring posture can be a helpful assessment tool, but what can your child’s bad posture tell about their future heath?

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[Video] The Most Annoying Thing About Parents…

Power By Design

Healthy TV | Episode 22

In this episode I’m going to cover:

  • What your mom has to do with me. 🙂
  • Why your posture is so much more than simply standing up straight.
  • What does good posture look like?
  • 2 simple tests to quickly measure your posture.

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[Video] Text Neck: Is Your Phone Sabotaging Your Health?

Power By Design

Healthy TV | Episode 021

In this episode I’m gonna share:

  • What you can learn from a sledgehammer.
  • The fast track to grandma’s Dowager’s hump.
  • The devastating effects of ‘Text Neck’.
  • An easy 2 min exercise routine to reverse the effects.

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Where Does Pain Come From?

Power By Design

I bet you are ‘aching’ to know the answer…  Sorry, that was a pretty lame pun 🙂

Pain is a big deal.  Whether it’s back pain, neck pain, headaches or otherwise, it can seriously screw up your life and, at least in most cases, can stop you from doing the things you love and want to do.

I can relate…  4 years ago I injured my back trying to lift more weight than my body was prepared for.  It put me out… literally – down on hands and knees crawling…  Believe me when I say, I’ve been there.

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