Kanata Chiropractic - Kanata's Trusted Health Professionals

Why Your Posture Matters

Power By Design

Believe it or not posture is not only important for aesthetics and how we look to others, it is vital to the function and maintenance of every body part of your body, from your muscles and your joints all the way to organ health and longevity!

Identifying a postural distortion (and having a plan to correct it) as soon as possible is one of the fastest ways to avoid long-term damage, quickly boost your energy, and safeguard your health over your lifetime.

Take a look around…

You won’t need to look far to see people of all ages and even fitness levels with deteriorating posture.

With more videos games, smart devices and increased time sitting at desks, driving in cars and being generally inactive, we’re not helping ourselves to solve these issues.

Experts are beginning to consider postural deviations and the health problems associated with them epidemic.

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The Perfect Restoration Routine

Life By Design

When we don’t sleep in tune with the natural rhythms of seasonal light exposure and when we don’t properly prepare our body for rest, we risk altering the hormones and chemistry that helps to regulate everything from digestion to fertility.

One way to stack the deck in favour of the highest quality sleep experience is to craft the perfect restoration routine.

Ritualize Your Routine

A routine is a series of actions done repeatedly.

Not all routines are helpful, or move you towards a predetermined goal, they’re simply routines due to repetition.

You’ll see routines, even rituals, a more intentional form of routine, among many high achievers across a variety of professions.

What makes routines so impactful is the ability to automate them and require little to no willpower.

This makes consistency easier and as such, the opportunity for a maximum return even more likely.

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6 Steps To Make Your Kids More Productive

Think By Design

What ever happened to playing outside until the streetlights came on? Now, the only lights most of our kids are exposed to is the blue light emanating from the screens of their digital devices.

Only time will tell the full effect of abundant screen time on the physical and mental health of our population, in the meantime, it makes sense to apply some creativity to the problem.

One viable solution is leveraging what we know about productivity and teaching our kids how to pursue a life they can love today and in their future.

It starts with these 6 steps that will make your kids more productive.

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Why Prolonged Sitting May Be Worse Than You Think

Move By Design

With the world rapidly changing, more people than ever are moving their primary work environment home. With the convenience, decreased travel times, and lowered office expenses, has also come a rise in sedentary desk activity… aka sitting!

With research suggesting we are now sitting for 12+ hours a day, up from the 10 hours of our waking time being sedentary, there’s little question that the short and long-term effects of prolonged sitting won’t be good.

Over the past decade, it’s been well documented that extended periods of sitting has negative health consequences, many of them even unexpected, much like the increased risk of developing Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes.

On the surface, negative consequences for spinal health seem to be obvious, but upon closer examination, the effects of prolonged sitting go far beyond simply achy shoulders and headaches.

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