5 Reasons Women Need to Lift Weights | Kanata Chiropractor

5 Reasons Women Need To Lift Weights

Move By Design

Almost every result women are searching for is a side effect of increasing lean muscle. Forget about the myths of getting too bulky or looking manly, neither of those are legitimate concerns without performance enhancing drugs or some serious genetic predisposition.

When you combine a supervised strength training program and eating by design… here are some of the results you can expect (and 5 reasons women need to lift weights)…

1. Burn Body Fat Faster

If you’ve bought into the myth that cardio is the fastest way to lose fat you’re missing out on the number one time tested strategy. Lifting heavy weight is the cornerstone to fat loss, not endless hours on the treadmill.

2. Spark Your Metabolism

Have you wondered how to keep those calories burning even while you are asleep? By helping to build lean muscle, strength training turns your body into an engine that constantly burns fuel day and night. That’s a side effect no amount of cardio can match.

3. Look More Fit

You can’t shape muscles but you can build more lean muscle. With less body fat on top of them, that translates into smaller clothing sizes without cutting the calories.

4. Boost Self-Esteem

Strength doesn’t just come in physical form. Moving heavy things delivers a power packed shot to your mental state as well. That makes you feel great on all accounts.

5. Build Healthy Bones

One major fear women have is developing osteoporosis and the #1 strategy for bone building is NOT more calcium. Learn the basics to weight bearing exercise and start building healthier bones.

How many of these benefits appeal to you?

Dr. Michael Gibson has committed himself to helping others to live the best life possible. After graduating with a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario, he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree and Masters of Science in Chiropractic Sports Science from Life University. He is the co-creator of Life By Design, owner of The Wellness Group, and co-owner of CrossFit 613. His passion for empowering families runs deep. After experiencing the loss of his sister due to illness, Michael’s purpose became reaching and teaching as many as possible the foundational principles of an extraordinary life. Since that time he has passionately pursued and been successful in living out his dream. He maintains a busy family chiropractic practice, a full speaking schedule and finds time to implement the principles and practices of Life By Design in his own life.