weightlifting Archives - Kanata Chiropractor

Tag: weightlifting

Welcome To Squat School!

Move By Design

We’ve all heard the rumors… Squatting is hard on your knees and absolutely terrible for your back, right?

In fact, I used to be one of those ‘experts’ who swore by this… Well intentioned of course, but poorly informed…

We just finished our annual 30 Day Squat Challenge and I’m so proud of everyone who participated all the way to the end! I’ve been sharing specific exercise videos on Facebook to help fix the most common problems people have…

Here they are all in one place:)

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5 Reasons Women Need To Lift Weights

Move By Design

Almost every result women are searching for is a side effect of increasing lean muscle. Forget about the myths of getting too bulky or looking manly, neither of those are legitimate concerns without performance enhancing drugs or some serious genetic predisposition.

When you combine a supervised strength training program and eating by design… here are some of the results you can expect (and 5 reasons women need to lift weights)…

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Your 30-Day Squat Challenge

Move By Design

Squatting is one of the most fundamental movements we have as humans.  That’s why we are focusing on improving your squat during The Wellness Group’s June Monthly Challenge.

Don’t know what Move By Design is?  Click HERE to learn more about Move By Design.

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