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Tag: training

Your 30-Day Squat Challenge

Move By Design

Squatting is one of the most fundamental movements we have as humans.  That’s why we are focusing on improving your squat during The Wellness Group’s June Monthly Challenge.

Don’t know what Move By Design is?  Click HERE to learn more about Move By Design.

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Have You Been Struggling At (Or Getting To) The Gym?

Move By Design
I don’t think anyone would argue that exercise is important.  It’s clear that in order to be healthy, we need to move…
Unfortunately, in today’s crazy, busy world, a lot of people we talk to have a hard time fitting a workout into their busy schedule.
In this video Dr. John chats about the 2 main reasons why people struggle at the gym (or maybe getting to the gym!) and what you can do to change that.

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I’ve Designed A Workout Program For You…

Move By Design

What does your Lift Heavy schedule look like?

Can you please share YOUR training program?

This looks awesome! What gym has the equipment and space for me to train like this?

It seems after every Move By Design seminar, we get tons of questions like these, so I thought I’d share my own personal training framework with you.

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