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Tag: fitness

Your 30-Day Squat Challenge

Move By Design

Squatting is one of the most fundamental movements we have as humans.  That’s why we are focusing on improving your squat during The Wellness Group’s June Monthly Challenge.

Don’t know what Move By Design is?  Click HERE to learn more about Move By Design.

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Use It Or Lose It

Move By Design

You know that we are always trying to find health strategies to help you integrate the principles of Life By Design into your life and in the process become as healthy as possible.

This requires taking action, something I think we all struggle with.

Can you think of an example of a change you tried to make only to realize 4-6 weeks later that you had already abandoned it?

I only need to look back on my own life to know that unless I created a habit or ritual around a new, desirable behaviour (like exercising, going to bed early or cutting out sugar), I inevitably failed.

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The Importance of Lifting Heavy

Move By Design

We are Designed to be active, really active.  In fact, we have clear indicators that our body requires different types of movements and at a higher frequency than is currently “normal” for the average Kanata resident.

For most of human history we had to work for our survival—literally working with our hands, arms, legs, and feet using all of our muscles and energy systems to obtain food, shelter, and security. Physical “fitness” was an absolute necessity for survival. If you couldn’t sprint or climb it often meant going hungry or even early death and the end of the line for your genes. Walking, foraging, crawling, twisting, climbing, squatting, pushing, pressing, lunging, jumping, throwing and carrying were the basic movements that helped shape human evolution for over two million years.

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