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9 Possible Reasons You Have Back Pain

Power By Design

Given that The World Health Organization estimates the lifetime prevalence of non-specific back pain at 60-70%, it just makes sense that you understand what could be causing it and how to start solving your problem once and for all!

Here are 9 possible reasons you have back pain.

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Can Chiropractic Turn A Breech Baby?

Power By Design

When searching for natural ways to help a breech baby assume the optimal birthing position, many women come across information that prompts the question: “Can chiropractic turn a breech baby?”

Imagine being excited for your child to arrive via a non-intervention or even a natural birth? You’ve taken time and energy to create a well thought out birth plan that aligns with your values and you’re certain it’s going to be the exact experience you envisioned for your child.

As the clock ticks down, you patiently wait for baby to turn and assume “the position”…

Until they don’t.

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Can You Help Me With My Health Problem?

Power By Design

One of the most common questions we receive daily is “Do you think that taking or doing ‘X’ will help my health problem?” This is a very difficult question to answer as it involves many different levels of understanding.

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5 Headache Inducing Core Problems

Power By Design

Here it comes… the pressure over your left eye, the blurred vision, the feeling like there is a vice squeezing your head and now the throbbing pain has you searching for somewhere to hide.

You are getting another headache.

Luckily this time it’s just a “normal” headache… the kind you seem to get ONLY a couple times a week. That’s so much better than one of those nasty migraine headaches that debilitate you every month!

Of course, they always seem to appear when you have a million things to do and they make every single task exponentially more difficult to complete.

So now comes the most important question:

What are you going to do about it?

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