The 148th version of the Carp Fair started this past Friday, and instead of being there enjoying all that it has to offer, seeing the animals, the entertainment, and riding the Ferris Wheel with our families, this year, we chose to take in the fair from a different vantage point.
This year we decided to get a vendor’s booth and use the opportunity to share chiropractic with as many people as possible. So rather than enjoying ourselves, and spending time with our families, we felt it was really important that we be there to chip away at the significant misconception that presently exists within the public’s mind about Chiropractic.
The positive symptomatic results experienced by millions has made Chiropractic the largest drugless health profession in the world, but it has also positioned Chiropractic as a just another “treatment” for aches, pains, symptoms and conditions.
Could we be shortchanging ourselves by using Chiropractic in such a limited way?
This is why we made the decision to be there this weekend, to help reframe Chiropractic in the public’s mind. To bring a vitalistic philosophy and a contemporary chiropractic practice into every household’s lifestyle. To fulfill the vision that Chiropractic began with and the one that lives in most Chiropractors’ hearts.
Our approach to Chiropractic is unique and may very well be one of the least understood philosophies of life and health. It is based on a few logical ideas…
The body is designed with an inborn ability to maintain itself in a state of proper function. A newborn baby may seem fragile and helpless, but within that body is the ability to make food into living tissue, to fight off invading organisms, to adapt to changes in the environment, to live as much as 100 or more years, in short, to lead a healthy and productive life.
The brain and nerve system are the primary tools by which the body attains proper function, what we commonly call health. The brain is the control center that distributes information throughout the body to coordinate its trillions of cells, facilitating continuous adaptation to changes in the internal and external environment. The brain must receive and send the right information at the right time in the right amounts to all cells, organs and systems of the body.
Interference in the nerve system reduces the body’s ability to function in a coordinated manner. While a corpse does have a brain and nerve system, it does not have life. There is no encoded information in the form of energy transferred across the nerve system. In a living body even slight damage to the delicate and vital nerve system will lessen its health, its performance levels and its full potential.
We address one form of interference to the nerve system called a Vertebral Subluxation. Our single objective is to aid in the restoration of the integrity of the nerve system in EVERYONE from infants, children, adults, pregnant moms, athletes and seniors, so that entire communities are able to express life at a higher level.
Our hope is that we connected with many of those that we spoke with over the weekend and that our conversation will inspire them to take the first step and get their nervous system checked so that they too can begin living the lives they deserve.