Healthy TV | Episode 021
In this episode I’m gonna share:
- What you can learn from a sledgehammer.
- The fast track to grandma’s Dowager’s hump.
- The devastating effects of ‘Text Neck’.
- An easy 2 min exercise routine to reverse the effects.
Text Neck: It’s A Big Problem
What does a sledgehammer have to do with your spine and brain? You’ll have to watch the video to hear my analogy…
With a couple billion phones and tablets around the world, it’s safe to say they’re a central part of our lives now. But what happens when they have a significant impact on your health?
Want to skip to the solution?
According to recent research in from the National Library of Medicine, Smartphone users spend an average of two to four hours per day hunched over, reading e-mails, sending texts or checking social media sites.
That’s 700 to 1,400 hours per year people are putting stress on their spines, according to the research. And high-schoolers might be the worst. They could conceivably spend an additional 5,000 hours in this position.
But here’s the real problem: When we hold our head in that position, it dramatically increases the relative weight of our head compared to it being stacked properly on top of the spine. Confusing?
Here’s a great image to hammer this home.
That’s right – up to 60lbs! That’s like walking around with a 7-year-old boy around your neck for 2-4 hours per day!
Here’s the exact exercises I recommend to my clients to help avoid the damage caused by text-neck.