Healthy TV | Episode 060
Tech Neck. Yep, that’s a real thing. And if you own a smartphone, you’ve likely got it. Tight shoulders, sore neck muscles, fatigue, headaches…
These are all signs you’ve got ‘the Tech Neck’ but don’t worry, I’m not going to pretend you are going to stop using your smartphone.
Tech Neck Exercises
Acknowledging the problem is the first step and more and more research is emerging, tying Tech Neck to a whole host of chronic health problems.
For more on the devastating effects of Tech Neck on your health, check out this week’s blog post.
The main problem with this posture is the damage it causes to the spine and nervous system, contained in the neck. The easiest thing to do is to incorporate regular movement breaks into your day.
Here’s 3 simple Tech Neck exercises that I do every day to help deal with my own Tech Neck problems. Watch the video below!
Healthy TV is a weekly health show where I share my favorite tips and strategies to improve your health and the health of your family. Whether you’re struggling with a current health problem, or you are simply looking to squeeze more out of life, we’ve got answers for you!
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