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Tag: health

9 Tips to Survive Your Holidays and Avoid the Health Hangover

Life By Design

The holidays are upon us once again. It seems like it only took a year to recover from last year’s health problems that were born from terrible food, plenty of alcohol, no exercise and ridiculous amounts of stress.  There’s no surprise that more heart attacks occur in December and January than any other months of the year.

Take the time this season to truly enjoy your family and friends, but follow these steps so you can live to tell about it!

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Sitting Is The New Smoking


Sitting Worse Than Smoking

Yep, you read that right siting and a lack of exercise have been shown to be even more harmful to our health than smoking! You can read more about the recent research HERE and HERE.

And that’s just one of the reasons why we’ve created The Good Health Walk; to create a greater awareness around the necessity for daily movement. Movement is a requirement. All of us require daily movement if we expect our brains and our bodies to work at their absolute best and to express our greatest health potential.

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The Good Health Walk


The Good Health Walk is a one of a kind community event to raise awareness for the one thing everyone values – HEALTH.

Essentially all charity based walks and runs aim at bringing attention to and raising funds for the treatment of different diseases and illnesses.  In no way is this a negative but it does speak to our cultural focus on disease treatment as a path towards health.

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How Does A Subway Station Interfere With Health?

Power By Design

If I met you on the street and asked a simple question, “How important is your brain and nerve system to your health and life?” the answer would always be:  “Vital!”

What would happen if we interfere with this delicate and vital system?

The central nerve system is so important that nature built armour around it — your skull and spinal column. However, even with this inborn protection, your nerve system can experience interference, injury or disturbance. We call this interference to your nerve system a Vertebral Subluxation.

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