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Build Muscle To Lose Fat

Move By Design

There’s a fairly standard approach to weight loss…eat less and move more. To most people this means a restrictive diet and hitting the treadmill.

While nibbling on rice cakes and jogging may highlight the accepted procedure, it also doesn’t work as well (nor is it as enjoyable) as a different method – building muscle to lose fat.

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Is Insulin Good Or Bad?

Eat By Design

Many believe the only role of insulin is to lower blood sugar. In truth, this is only one of insulin’s many physiological roles in human metabolism.

With the massive increase in Type II Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, insulin gets a pretty bad rap. So what’s the real deal? Is insulin good or bad?

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The No Nonsense Fat Loss Formula

Eat By Design

Are you tired of all the confusing advice when it comes to fat loss? There’s absolutely no shortage of it. Eat this special fruit from the rainforest or burn your fat away in less than 5 minutes a day…you get the picture.

Thankfully, there is a no nonsense fat loss formula. It’s simple and it works, if you’re willing to do the work.

Do you see the problem?

More than 50% of North American adults want to lose weight but only 25% are seriously working toward that goal.

As the rates of obesity and percentage of the population classifying themselves as overweight continues to climb, it’s safe to say that people are becoming less motivated to drop the pounds.

One big reason could be the number of failed and repeated attempts to make your diet work. I get it…why would you want to keep doing something that never seems to deliver the results you’re working so hard for? That’s a ton of wasted effort and a regular blow to the self-esteem with minimal return.
Since this is the “no nonsense” fat loss formula…let’s start by being real…

Most people fail because they trade off what the want most for what they want in the moment.

The perfect training program, the perfect diet, the perfect everything will not work if you can’t sustain it for more than a day or two.

This formula is all about making fat loss simple (not easy). If it’s simple, there’s a better chance you’ll keep up with it.

The second component of this fat loss formula is the fact that it works. It’s based on the best science we currently have related to sustainable fat loss. If it works, there’s also a better chance you’ll keep up with it.

Simple + effective = results.

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Will A Low-Carb Diet Shorten Your Life?

Eat By Design

Have you seen these headlines?

Meat-heavy, low-carb diets can ‘shorten lifespan’: study – CTV

Low-carb diets can shorten life expectancy: study – CBC

Low-carb diet linked to early death, medical study suggests – USA TODAY

Low carb diets shorten your life unless you are mostly vegetarian, study suggests – The Independent

This comes at a time when everyone and their dog is raving about the benefits of the ketogenic diet (low carb/high-fat), and its’ ancestral relative – the Paleo diet, both which are top trending diets of 2018.

And for good reason…

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