Healthy TV | Episode 038
Are you feeling burnt out? Unhappy? Or overwhelmed with decision fatigue?
Let me ask you a different question… When was the last time you took an entire day to do only things you love to do, things that, just thinking about them makes you smile, raises your spirit?
In other words, when was the last time you had a Super Happy Fun Day?
Here’s the thing: Our lives are more stressful than ever before – managing kids and family stress, work stress, relationship stress, financial stress… For most of us, our time is spent rushing from one crisis to the next, with no down-time to process and recover.
All that stress causes your brain to get stuck in survival mode and ultimately interferes with your ability to make good, long-term decisions. The problem with this is, in order to create a happy life, you need to make good quality decisions… a lot of them.
There’s no silver bullet, but a great strategy to kick-start term is to give yourself…