Healthy TV | Episode 061
Are you concerned about developing the Grandma Hump? Don’t worry – it’s not genetic, but it’s getting way more common with the emergence of tech neck…
The fancy name for the abnormal curve of the upper back that results in a hunched posture and a bump at the base of the neck is called a ‘Dowager’s Hump.’
Since this problem is most easily seen in elderly women I can understand if you assumed you don’t need to worry about it…
The reality is that this type of postural deformity takes decades to develop, and all starts because of structural shifts in your spine that lead to poor posture.
Some early warning signs that you’re on track to building a Dowager’s Hump are:
- Anterior head syndrome – when your head sits forward
- Reduced neck movement/mobility
- Intermittent neck pain, stiffness, tight, sore neck muscles
Watch the video below to learn what you can do to prevent a Dowager’s Hump starting NOW.
And check out Healthy TV | Episode 60 where I share how to deal with tech neck.
Healthy TV is a weekly health show where I share my favorite tips and strategies to improve your health and the health of your family. Whether you’re struggling with a current health problem, or you are simply looking to squeeze more out of life, we’ve got answers for you!
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