Plato, Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche, Confucius.
These are some of the names that likely come to mind when people start talking about philosophy, right?
Old men with long beards, spouting out wisdoms which we either don’t understand, or can’t really apply to real life.
Philosophy definitely has a role to play in the modern world…
Regardless of whether you are aware of it or not, we are all philosophers of a kind, and our philosophy constantly informs our perception of the world around us.
A philosophy is your framework for dealing with reality. It guides your decisions, it lets you know if what you think is possible or if what you think is impossible. It programs your beliefs, helps you find love and make friends; it could be the cause of your self-doubt, or it could give you wings.
Your actions are determined by your thoughts and beliefs. In other words, you need a philosophy to live.
More than just a philosophy, you need a CONSCIOUS philosophy. At least if you want to live a great life…
As we grow and develop, our brains naturally, automatically create a philosophy based on what we see, hear, learn and experience. This may or may not be useful to us. However, through deliberate focus of attention and thought, we can craft a conscious philosophy which serves and empowers us.
Conventional philosophy (beliefs) about health provide a good example.
There are lots of different beliefs about health that you have likely unconsciously accepted as true.
We’ve all done it, so there’s no judgement here…
Beliefs like ‘my health is predetermined by my genes,’ ‘it’s my doctors responsibility to make sure I’m healthy’ or ‘everything in moderation’ are commonplace yet when you consider these statements, you will find them to be at the very least untrue… and at worst, potentially life destroying.
Take the example of this long standing and common belief that fat is bad for you. Since the 1950’s we’ve been bombarded with this message from various authority figures including scientists, doctors and government officials.
Instead of challenging this belief, most of us simply accepted it as truth (including me at one time) and over time it became considered as fact. This belief had a tremendous impact on people all around the world as it shaped health and nutrition policy and trends for the next 75 years.
However, the longer we avoided and demonized fat, the sicker we got as a society. How could this possibly be?
Because the belief was not consistent with reality – we know that fat is essential in the human diet for optimal health and deficiency of fat is linked to numerous serious health conditions, including heart disease, cancer and autoimmune disorders. Whenever a belief is not consistent with reality this contradiction always leads to stress, conflict and ultimately destruction.
Caution, All Ye Who Venture
Creating your conscious philosophy is definitely a process. It’s going to take a significant investment of time, effort and energy. And its going to be totally worth it!
This process will give you a framework for solving any problem, challenge, opportunity or question you may come across in life.
A conscious philosophy is your guide for living your life to the fullest, a tool for you to navigate the world, and the key to unlocking your potential. It allows you to say goodbye to self doubt, determine good opportunities from nonproductive ones and lead a life that is congruent with your values.
The Brain Dump Exercise
Find yourself a quiet place to sit and think (preferably without technology). Start to think about, and immediately write down what you believe about different aspects of your life – your health, money, relationships, family, career, nutrition, parenting, politics, etc. Write down anything that comes to mind – there’s no right or wrong, and as long as its on the page, you can arrange it all later.
The power of this exercise is in helping you understand more about what you don’t know regarding yourself and your beliefs.
Look at what you’ve laid out on the page – look closely for contradictions between your beliefs about the world and actual facts of reality. If you don’t know if your beliefs align with facts of reality, then you’ve got some homework to do!
For example, even today a common belief is that your genes determine your health. However, there’s overwhelming research to show that this is simply untrue. In fact, genes only play a minor role in the development of most illnesses (hint: it’s lifestyle factors that cause most health problems – like a bad diet, no movement/exercise, negative thinking, not enough sleep to name a few.)
Also, look for contradictions between your beliefs and your actions…
For example, if you wrote down I believe that everything I put in my body has an impact on my health, and yet find yourself justifying your sugary snacks under the guise of ‘everything in moderation…’ then clearly there’s a contradiction there and you need to figure out why.
To help you get started (and give you more context), download our Think By Design Manual. In the final chapter you will find the 8 Branches of your Life By Design, which we recommend you use as a guide to complete this exercise.
Holding onto and acting on incongruent or incorrect beliefs wastes a lot of time, resources and energy, and will never lead you towards the life you truly want and deserve.
Having clarity and confidence in your philosophy on key areas of your life (money, health, relationships to name a few) is the first step to living your Life By Design.