Healthy TV | Episode 062
Do you get back and neck pain while driving?
I’ve been on the road a lot this month and it has reminded me how terrible travel can be on your spine…
Whether it’s a simple ache in your back from lack of movement, or a more serious concern like radiating pain into your buttock, leg or arm, the main solution is the same:
Stop, get out and move!
Most often those achy, painful feelings are simply your body trying to tell you to move after you’ve been sitting for a prolonged time. For best results, stopping at least 1x/hour to move for a minimum of 5 minutes would be sufficient.
But I understand that often your timeline (or the fact that your kids finally fell asleep) makes stopping hourly an unlikely option.
Here’s what I do to help deal with the aches and pains when I can’t get out.
I’d love to know what you think! Please leave a comment below and let me know.
Healthy TV is a weekly health show where I share my favorite tips and strategies to improve your health and the health of your family. Whether you’re struggling with a current health problem, or you are simply looking to squeeze more out of life, we’ve got answers for you!
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