[Video] Why Is It SO HARD To Get Enough Sleep? | Kanata Chiropractor

[Video] Why Is It SO HARD To Get Enough Sleep?

Life By Design

Healthy TV | Episode 012

In this Episode of Healthy TV I’ll share:

  • The biggest mistake people make when it comes to sleep.
  • What is sleep debt.
  • What happens when you’re sleeping.
  • The most common reason you can’t fall asleep.
  • The simple (but not easy) strategy to improve your sleep!

It’s Thursday afternoon and MAN! Am I tired… that triple Americano better kick in quick or things are going to go downhill real fast. I’ve got nothing done since before lunch and at this rate, the pile of work on my desk will still be there tomorrow morning…

As if I’m going to want to tackle it then.

The thought crosses my mind – ‘maybe I should skip the gym tonight…’ After all, I don’t want to hurt myself because I’m half asleep. The couch is calling my name, but I know there’s at least 2hrs of ‘evening kids chaos’ ahead. The weekend couldn’t come fast enough…

Sleep Debt

If you’re like millions of other Canadians, this story likely sounds pretty familiar.

In fact, sleep debt has become one of the most common reasons people go to their doctor. And the problem seems to be getting worse.

This problem hits close to home for me… I’ve always identified as ‘a terrible sleeper’ and know first hand how it can impact your life. Even a couple nights poor sleeping can really torpedo your health… and when its chronic, things can spiral really quickly:

Accelerated aging, impaired memory and learning, increased sugar cravings, weight gain, hormonal imbalance and chronic inflammation have all been strongly linked to chronic sleep debt.

After working with now thousands of people looking for help with specific health problems, getting your sleep on track is one of the biggest priorities.

So what can you do about it?

In this episode of Healthy TV I share some of the easiest action steps you can take right now that will almost certainly improve the quality and quantity of sleep.

And if you want more, grab a copy of our most recent edition of our sleep kit – just click the link below!

johnDr. John MacPhee is a Chiropractor, speaker and passionate health and wellness expert. He has inspired thousands of people to take control of their own health using the Life By Design method. Dr. John is co-owner of The Wellness Group, the largest Life By Design Certified Chiropractic office in Canada. Apart from full-time practice, John maintains a busy speaking schedule, with a particular emphasis on improving productivity and focus at work. Otherwise, you can find John training hard at CrossFit 613, exploring Gatineau Park, or holed away studying the latest research at various cafes across the west end.