sleep Archives - Kanata Chiropractor

Tag: sleep

The Perfect Restoration Routine

Life By Design

When we don’t sleep in tune with the natural rhythms of seasonal light exposure and when we don’t properly prepare our body for rest, we risk altering the hormones and chemistry that helps to regulate everything from digestion to fertility.

One way to stack the deck in favour of the highest quality sleep experience is to craft the perfect restoration routine.

Ritualize Your Routine

A routine is a series of actions done repeatedly.

Not all routines are helpful, or move you towards a predetermined goal, they’re simply routines due to repetition.

You’ll see routines, even rituals, a more intentional form of routine, among many high achievers across a variety of professions.

What makes routines so impactful is the ability to automate them and require little to no willpower.

This makes consistency easier and as such, the opportunity for a maximum return even more likely.

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Sleep Routine: 5 Bedtime Habits To Optimize Your Sleep

Power By Design

When it comes to getting good quality sleep, most of us are failing… Issues with sleep is the 2nd leading cause of doctor visits, and prescription sleeping ‘aids’ have skyrocketed in the past decade.

Clearly, we are doing something wrong…

In this blog post, I share my own sleep routine including 5 bedtime habits that I have found to help in getting my sleep on track. I also share the best-kept secret to better sleep that few people know about…

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22 Reasons To Take Rest Seriously

Life By Design

Everyone knows that rest is important but is it really a matter of life or death?

For an activity we would all love to have more of, there’s far too much “lip service” and not enough action.

Here are 22 reasons to take rest seriously.

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The TRUTH About Headaches & Migraines

Power By Design

Recently a new client came in to see me – let’s call her Karri. Like a lot of people who come see us for help, Karri was suffering from chronic headaches and migraines…  Or what she called “the unrelenting monster in her head.”

When I asked Karri to describe her headache, this is how she put it:

“Have you ever seen those old-timey pictures of men working on the railroad? You know those big hammers they use to drive those long spikes into the track? My head feels like the track.”

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