This time of year is fraught with resolutions that never actualize or worse – the steps that would lead towards them are never taken. Are you tired of looking in the mirror and asking yourself the same questions you have for the past many?
Why can’t I lose 10 pounds? Why am I tired? Why don’t I have any time? These questions and many more fill the minds of most – at least for the next month, after which time they drift away deep into the abyss of our busy lives only to resurrect themselves next January 1st.
As usual, Life By Design can give us some insight into living the life we deserve and the necessary steps to ensure success:
1) Correct principles
Are the steps you plan on taking based on a truth? This really is the most important question. If the answer is no, then you are in deep trouble.
Grains never make you healthier, running does not make you stronger, junk food is toxic, smoking is destructive, and not getting your spine checked and adjusted when necessary means you are living to less than your maximal potential.
No matter which way you cut it, this is the most important step and requires complete honesty from you. If your actions are based on principles that are incorrect, you are attempting to live a contradiction, which always leads to destruction.
2) Action
We live in a world where action is required. There is no other way around it. You can continue to seek out that pill that will yield all your lifelong dreams or you can accept reality and get to work.
It is completely true that an improper plan implemented with excellence will never yield your desired result, but at least it will yield something. Alternatively, the best plan never executed yields nothing.
Take action based on correct principles (Life By Design), and start right away.
3) Time
This is by far the most frustrating of all the factors. It is time that makes you question if you have the other steps correct. All processes take time, and some require an abundance before tangible results exist. We all wish our dreams came true immediately – but they don’t.
Do you need to test this before starting your new life? Think of something that you’re really successful at – relationships, finances, training, cooking – anything at all. Then find someone who is struggling to improve at what you do well. You will find that their error(s) are happening in one or more of the above areas.
Keep repeating this experiment until you are convinced that there are no accidents in success. It’s a brand-new year, 2013, and now is the best time to simply take the first step to creating a brand-new you. Happy New Year!