'Twas A Life By Design Healthy Christmas | Kanata Chiropractor

‘Twas a Life By Design Christmas

Life By Design

‘Twas a Life By Design Christmas, and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, I’d thrown all the grains OUT!
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

My kiddies were nestled all snug in their beds,
“A good sleep is important! That’s what Dr. Pope says.”
I sat down with my journal, a cup of tea in my lap,
So many things right and I’m grateful for that.

When down in the kitchen, there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the staircase I flew like a flash,
Feels good to sprint, my body moves fast!

The moon on the turkey breast did certainly glow,
It was organic and free range, no hormones you know,
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
But an Eat By Design Coach standing right over there!

With a festive apron on she was lively and quick,
I knew in a moment these healthy habits would stick.
She was nimble and crafty and she whipped out a pan,
And she whistled, and shouted, and called out her plan!

“We need bacon, and sausage, no nitrates of course,
some onion and spinach, this year no remorse!
We’ll eat real food! It’s such a delight.
It won’t be too long until you’re feeling just right.”

I danced out of the kitchen my heart full of glee,
And there was Dr. Gibson, standing next to the tree!
With a twinkle in his eyes, he looked directly at me,
“Is your power turned on? Are you subluxation free?”

It had been a few weeks since my spine had been checked,
I started to worry, and fidget and fret!
“Don’t worry” he laughed, and patted my head,
“You live By Design! You’ve nothing to dread.”

“You get your spine checked and think positive thoughts,
You eat really well and visit Crossfit613 lots”,
You meet the requirements for extraordinary health”,
Keep sharing this message, you’re a By Design Elf”.

These principles work, they’re proven, it’s true,
I felt really good, my family did too!
I knew he was right, and I turned ’round to go,
I was suddenly chilly from a big gust of snow.

The front door stood ajar, the wind it did whip,
Could it be the big man? Could it be ol’ St. Nick?
I had to squint through the frost, my vision unsure
I just couldn’t see who these visitors were.

Little by little I saw someone…but who?
Why Dr. MacPhee and his foam roller too,
This man he is bendy; his mobility sick,
Move By Design helps chiropractic care stick!

In came Kevin ‘n Kyle, Sara Grace and Lynne, too
I wasn’t quite sure we would have enough room,
But the table was set so we brought a few more
Lisa, Carolyn ‘n Kat burst in through the door.

My mouth it did water as I looked at this feast!
“Wait!” shouted David and “I have the roast beast.”
Life by Design teaches us to be grateful each day,
To live our Soul Purpose and to Love, Rest and Play.

As I look ‘round the table at each of these faces,
Each has taught something that my heart still embraces.
Life By Design is the blueprint, powerful and true
I share it so you can be Extraordinary, too.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Written By Jennifer Cameron
