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Tag: weight loss

My Name Is Dave, And I’m An Emotional Eater

Eat By Design

Moving from a conventional or SAD (Standard Australian/American) diet is tough.

Believe me, I know.

When I made the change, I went all in and threw out anything with dairy, sugar, grains and alcohol all at the same time. And next came the WORST. CARB FLU. EVER.

However, I knew it would be a good thing, and a few weeks (and 20 pounds of weight lost) later, I felt great and haven’t looked back since.

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Local vs Organic: How to Choose

Eat By Design

If you’ve attended our Eat By Design Seminar, you know that nutrient density is a BIG DEAL.

After all, that’s the whole purpose of eating right?  To fulfill our requirements for fuel – macronutrients like fat, protein and carbohydrate, and micronutrients like essential vitamins and minerals.  The best way to do that is to focus on consuming foods with the highest nutrient density and the least amount of toxicity.

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5 Reasons Why “Cardio” is NOT King – Part 1

Move By Design

Let’s say you wanted to lose weight and improve your overall fitness, what would be your first step?

My guess is it would involve dusting off your old runners, hitting the treadmill (or stationary bike, stair-master etc) for 45-60min 3-5x/wk.  After all, keeping your heart rate in the ‘fat burning zone’ is a sure-bet to quick weight loss and strong ‘cardio’… right?

What if I told you that spending hours pounding the pavement each week isn’t the best strategy to get lean, strong and fit?

In fact, it can be downright dangerous.

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7 Ridiculous Exercise Myths Revealed

Move By Design

Thankfully, some of these myths are dying but if you read, watch or listen to most popular magazines, TV shows or podcasts most of the information you are being fed is still just plain wrong.

Please know that I don’t think these industries are full of unethical liars who are out to hurt people.  I don’t think they are misleading you purposefully.  I do think they are sharing what they learned from others who came before them (I did the same thing for years!).

Unfortunately, they’ve never thought to question what they learned, and they too have dogmatically accepted the exercise myths that pervade our culture.

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