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Avoid The Holiday Bulge – 5 Keys To Staying On Track With Your Exercise Program This Holiday Season

Move By Design

After your health, time is arguably your most valuable asset.

The problem is, especially during this time of year, so many different things & people are making demands on our time, from work deadlines, to shopping, and family. Often times we let these ‘other’ demands supersede our own needs and wants (Christmas is about giving, right?).

And what’s interesting is that in order for us to have the time, energy and resources to be able to give attention to each of these demands, we need to take care of ourselves first. How often have you thought to yourself, “Man! I really wanted to get to the gym today, but I HAD to  _______________?”

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Why Do All Diets Seem To Work?

Eat By Design

You’ve likely heard of your friends or family detailing a new diet that they’re trying and it’s working great, only to hear about someone else explaining a completely different diet that is also working great!

How can this be?

How is it possible that completely contradictory diets still seem to work for some people?

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What Are You Thinking?

Think By Design

Just as there are physiological needs like food, movement, sleep and nerve supply, there are also mental requirements like a philosophy, self-esteem, vision, purpose and strategy.

We know thought is required for an optimal life because, in order to thrive in this world, we must learn. Take, for example, our physiology: though much of the body runs automatically, we must ensure the required needs are met in order for the “autopilot” to optimize its expression – it’s thinking that delivers.  Food added into the body will be broken down and utilized as nutrients to the best of the body’s ability – but it is thought that brings it to the mouth.

In order to survive in the world you must learn, and to gain knowledge you must think. This makes thinking a primary human necessity for life and a fundamental By Design concept.

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