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Tag: health

Secret Holiday Survival Hacks

Life By Design

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… unless “health” is still on your Christmas or New Year’s list.  With more stress, less sleep, a few extra drinks, tasty treats and a dwindling fitness routine, you could probably use these secret holiday survival hacks.

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The Leaky Roof

Power By Design

Most people are so focused on their symptoms that they often neglect to address the cause of their discomfort.

When the cause is obvious, people often make the right decision.

For example, if you had a pebble in your shoe and it was bothering you, you wouldn’t take a pain killer or an anti-inflammatory to cover up the discomfort. You would recognize it was the pebble and you would take a moment to remove it from your shoe.

But, are headaches or back pain the result of an inadequate supply of aspirin in the bloodstream?

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Sitting Risks: How Harmful Is Too Much Sitting?

Power By Design

Shoulders rounded, head forward, and eyes down.

Remind you of anyone you know?

It’s human nature to assume this Quasimodo-like trend is “no big deal,” but your Grandmother was wise when she told you to “stand up straight!”

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How Successful People Win In Tough Times

Life By Design

“When the going gets tough the tough get going”.

This cliché probably rings in your mind from the countless movies and TV shows, as a call to action, when the characters are faced with extreme challenges.

Since success leaves clues and knowing how to adapt to stress is always going to serve you well…

Let’s take a closer look at how successful people win during tough times.

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