I bet if I asked you “What is more risky for your body, squatting or sitting?” you would say “well squatting, obviously.” And, I can understand why…
We’ve been taught that squatting is dangerous… a sure-fire way to hurt your back and knees…sitting, on the other hand, must be safe because, well, we sit all the time and nothing bad happens right?
Yet another myth we’ve been sold.
The chair only became a common household item about 400 years ago.
for the few million years prior, squatting, kneeling and lounging on the ground was our most common way of resting. Even today in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America, squatting is still a very common resting position.
Now don’t get me wrong, squatting done incorrectly can be traumatic and stressful to your body.
But a properly performed squat – the way we are designed to “sit” – is not only safe, it is one of the most fundamental movements we can (and need to) do as humans.
If you need any further evidence that the squat is a highly efficient and comfortable resting position… Just watch a group of toddlers! They can sit in a squat with bum down, chest up for minutes at a time, without effort. Most of us have lost this ability due to the ‘use it or lose it’ principle. But there’s good news: you have the capacity to regain this movement in adulthood.
Not sure how to squat? Press play for a complete explanation.
You already squat multiple times every day: getting out of bed, going up and down from a chair, going to the bathroom, getting in and out of your car…
When done properly, squatting is an excellent way to build mobility, strength, and stamina throughout your whole body and it is a super-important movement for the spine to function properly.
Not to mention it’s a great strategy to help manage any back pain you may be dealing with.
So here’s what to do…
Join the 30 Day Squat Challenge! We’re keeping it super simple: 10 squats, 3x per day.
That’s it. Do 10 squats before your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Here’s a detailed video on how to squat.
If that’s too easy, keep adding 1 rep each day until you hit your limit.
Want an easier place to start?
Access our super-popular dynamic mobility program that will help reduce pain, improve your mobility and ultimately get you moving toward the healthy body you want!
Any questions? Please comment below!