This is a bold statement to make, especially when the vast majority of the public recognizes chiropractic as something that is “good for” different conditions like back pain, headaches or at best asthma, allergies and ear infections. Yes, receiving chiropractic care may very well allow a resolution of those conditions, but it is far from the chiropractic we know, love and profess.
If your newborn child were in distress, would you think about a nerve system checkup by a chiropractor? Would you think about this checkup even if your newborn child were NOT in distress?
A few weeks ago, Dr. Joel Richards saved the life of his newborn Cohen with a chiropractic adjustment. You heard that correctly: “Saved the life of his newborn.” (To hear Dr. Joel tell his story visit our Facebook Fanpage)
You’re likely asking, “How can an adjustment save someone’s life?” (Of course had I said a drug saved his life, there would be no confusion.) You’re likely thinking, “I’ve been getting checked for 5 years, and I’m still waiting for that miracle adjustment.”
The miracle is not the adjustment; it is that our bodies are innately intelligent. This means they continuously and purposefully strive towards health and the fullest expression of life. A subluxation is an INTERFERENCE in that process. It interferes with the nerve system, the primary system used to run, organize and power our body. An adjustment helps to restore that connection.
When the body is working closer to full potential, it can mean anything. For Cohen, it meant being able to stabilize his entire physiology. And that was the difference between life, debilitation and possibly death. For some, it has meant being able to digest food better, for others it has allowed their immune system to function better, and help them begin healing cancer. The point is that a clear brain – body connection is GOOD for everyone, every single time, with no exceptions.
Every adjustment is moving you closer to 100% function. Every interference is moving you away. When we understand that life and death exist on a spectrum, we begin to truly “get” the power of the adjustment to save a live –in most cases, a little bit at a time, but in Cohen’s, in an instant.
This week, please take the time to really think about how your life and your family’s life has been enhanced through the power of the chiropractic adjustment. Then step up and start telling others. Their fullest life depends on it.