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Tag: pain

Got Pain? This Solution Will Surprise You

Move By Design

When someone comes to us in pain, there’s one thing we almost always tell them they need to do… And usually they look at us as if we have 3 heads!

Like a lot of what we say, it goes against conventional thought…

But our goal is to get you the best results in the shortest amount of time, and this step is essential.

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Where Does Pain Come From?

Power By Design

I bet you are ‘aching’ to know the answer…  Sorry, that was a pretty lame pun 🙂

Pain is a big deal.  Whether it’s back pain, neck pain, headaches or otherwise, it can seriously screw up your life and, at least in most cases, can stop you from doing the things you love and want to do.

I can relate…  4 years ago I injured my back trying to lift more weight than my body was prepared for.  It put me out… literally – down on hands and knees crawling…  Believe me when I say, I’ve been there.

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Is Your Health Problem Core or Collateral?

Power By Design
Most healthcare consumers make their decisions based on the premise that the health problem they believe they are experiencing is the problem their choice of healthcare is going to correct.

If someone is in pain for example, they seek out a provider who they believe will “fix” their pain, if they have headaches, they are looking for someone to “fix” their headaches and if someone has heart disease, they are searching for an approach that will “fix” their problem.

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7 Ridiculous Exercise Myths Revealed

Move By Design

Thankfully, some of these myths are dying but if you read, watch or listen to most popular magazines, TV shows or podcasts most of the information you are being fed is still just plain wrong.

Please know that I don’t think these industries are full of unethical liars who are out to hurt people.  I don’t think they are misleading you purposefully.  I do think they are sharing what they learned from others who came before them (I did the same thing for years!).

Unfortunately, they’ve never thought to question what they learned, and they too have dogmatically accepted the exercise myths that pervade our culture.

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