At different points in my life I have identified as a vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian and even a brief stint as a strict raw-foodist.
I used to eat my weight in fruit and nuts and I can guarantee I’ve eaten more chick peas than all readers combined!
And now I Eat By Design.
What Happened?
Here we go again…more junk science that the popular media sensationalizes to attract more eye balls (regardless of whether its true or not).
“Meat is the New Tobacco” declared The Huffington Post.
“Animal Protein-rich Diets Could be as Harmful to Health as Smoking” said the Guardian.
The Daily Mail chose “Eating Lots of Meat and Cheese in Middle Age is ‘As Deadly as SMOKING‘”.
Absolutely not!
But what about all of that research they did in China, didn’t it show without a doubt that those who consumed animal protein had the highest incidence of heart disease, cancer, and strokes? Didn’t it show that vegetarians gave themselves the best opportunity for Lifetime Wellness?
Yes, the author of The China Study, Dr. Colin Campbell claimed that this was true, however, a more in depth analysis of his data tells a different story…