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5 Tips to Kick Your Sugar Habit

Eat By Design

One of the biggest struggles I hear people facing when it comes to their health is kicking their sugar habit…

And – believe me – I get it!

Over the past few weeks I’ve allowed more and more sugar into my life – mainly in the form of chocolate – and now it’s like an ever-present thought in my mind… When will I get my next fix?

When stress is high, many of us lean on sugary foods to soothe our emotional state, but its a double-edged sword and the consequences can build up quickly.

Now is a great time to give your health a boost, and kick your sugar habit!  Here are 5 tips to help your new habits stick for good!

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Sleep Routine: 5 Bedtime Habits To Optimize Your Sleep

Power By Design

When it comes to getting good quality sleep, most of us are failing… Issues with sleep is the 2nd leading cause of doctor visits, and prescription sleeping ‘aids’ have skyrocketed in the past decade.

Clearly, we are doing something wrong…

In this blog post, I share my own sleep routine including 5 bedtime habits that I have found to help in getting my sleep on track. I also share the best-kept secret to better sleep that few people know about…

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Kids Need Protein To Thrive

Eat By Design

Protein is a macronutrient that plays an essential role in thousands of functions within the human body. The building blocks that protein delivers, known as amino acids, are a requirement for normal and healthy development.

This means because amino acids are located in muscle, bone, ligaments, skin, hair, blood…effectively every tissue, kids need protein to thrive.

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How Should I Exercise While Pregnant?

Move By Design

Not so long ago, the recommendations for activity during pregnancy were basically non-existent. The standard advice was to rest as much as possible and for some pregnant women, extended bed rest was recommended if minor complications arose.

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology released the physical activity guidelines for pregnancy in 2019 both encouraging woman to exercise and, answering the question… how should I exercise while pregnant?

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