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Kids are #1 At The Chiropractor

Power By Design

“One day I felt fine, and then the next day I was just. . ..”

How often have you heard this? Probably enough that you do not even recognize the absolute absurdity of that statement. Except for severe traumas, such as car accidents, major falls, poisoning, etc., people do not suddenly become ill. Disease does not occur spontaneously.

Small traumas, long-term abuse and negligence, though unnoticeable at first, take their toll on the body over a period of time. When the first symptoms appear, the body has already been malfunctioning for some period of time — often years.

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Does Flu Season Really Exist?

Life By Design

Soon it will be that time of year again. You’ll see it and hear it everywhere you go. Maybe you are thinking this message is early as we haven’t even made it through the holidays yet.  You say you still don’t know what I am talking about. Well, think about it. After all the shopping and worrying– about what to get who, will it fit, do they have one already, can we afford it, and all the visiting–your friends, your family, your in-laws, your kids, all the partying–cookies and milk, nuts and beer, chips and pretzels, dips, vegetables, wine, cheese and crackers (all, of course, before you sit down to a big meal). And after all the last minute rushing around, lost sleep, and “I’ve got a million things to do”…  What on earth could possibly (and only naturally) follow all this? That’s right–the fever, chills, ache-all-over feeling, coughing, sneezing and complaining of the flu season!

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Living Well In A Stressful World

Life By Design

The boss is on your case, kids are busy with school, there are bills to pay, mom is sick and you’ve got stress!

Never before have we lived in a world where we are inundated with non-stop stress from all corners of our lives.  It’s nearly impossible to escape; it’s the number one contributor to illness, days off work and could be considered the plague of the twentieth century.  We’re told we need to “manage” it, reduce it and even avoid it.  But is stress really the problem? Or is it our relationship to stress that is the real culprit?

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The Carp Fair

Power By Design

The 148th version of the Carp Fair started this past Friday, and instead of being there enjoying all that it has to offer, seeing the animals, the entertainment, and riding the Ferris Wheel with our families, this year, we chose to take in the fair from a different vantage point.

This year we decided to get a vendor’s booth and use the opportunity to share chiropractic with as many people as possible.  So rather than enjoying ourselves, and spending time with our families, we felt it was really important that we be there to chip away at the significant misconception that presently exists within the public’s mind about Chiropractic.

The positive symptomatic results experienced by millions has made Chiropractic the largest drugless health profession in the world, but it has also positioned Chiropractic as a just another “treatment” for aches, pains, symptoms and conditions.

Could we be shortchanging ourselves by using Chiropractic in such a limited way?

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