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Tag: chiropractor kanata

The Leaky Roof

Power By Design

Most people are so focused on their symptoms that they often neglect to address the cause of their discomfort.

When the cause is obvious, people often make the right decision.

For example, if you had a pebble in your shoe and it was bothering you, you wouldn’t take a pain killer or an anti-inflammatory to cover up the discomfort. You would recognize it was the pebble and you would take a moment to remove it from your shoe.

But, are headaches or back pain the result of an inadequate supply of aspirin in the bloodstream?

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5 Headache Inducing Core Problems

Power By Design

Here it comes… the pressure over your left eye, the blurred vision, the feeling like there is a vice squeezing your head and now the throbbing pain has you searching for somewhere to hide.

You are getting another headache.

Luckily this time it’s just a “normal” headache… the kind you seem to get ONLY a couple times a week. That’s so much better than one of those nasty migraine headaches that debilitate you every month!

Of course, they always seem to appear when you have a million things to do and they make every single task exponentially more difficult to complete.

So now comes the most important question:

What are you going to do about it?

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[Video] How Much Should You Eat?

Eat By Design

Healthy TV | Episode 043

Are you looking for a super-simple way to figure out portion size for your meals?

Here’s one I use all the time and it works equally well for both kids and adults!

…and bonus – there’s no scales, calculators or complicated formulas involved 🙂

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[Video] The Best Breakfast Idea For On-The-Go Parents!

Eat By Design

Healthy TV | Episode 042

Want to learn a dead-easy breakfast recipe, one that’s simple, delicious and nutritious!

And best of all – you can prep an entire week of breakfasts in ~25min!  Watch the video below to learn step-by-step!

At our last Eat By Design seminar, someone asked:

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