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Tag: chiropractic

Do You Like Yourself?

Think By Design

In order to survive in the world you must learn, and to gain knowledge you must think.

This makes thinking a primary human necessity for life and a fundamental By Design concept.

And, just like your body, your mind has certain requirements you must fulfill in order to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life:

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What Do You Believe?

Think By Design

It’s an easy mistake to make – thinking of creating health as involving only physical actions.

You address the Brain-Body Connection through specific chiropractic care, properly fuel your body via Eat By Design foods, and receive adequate exercise by following Move By Design protocols.

You experience more energy, better sleep, a stronger immune system, and clearer thinking.

The assumption is you’re doing everything you need to live an extraordinary life and the results speak for themselves.

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Change Is Inevitable – How You Deal With It Is Up To You

Think By Design

For most of us (myself included) change can be really difficult and scary to deal with.  I almost feel like I’m an expert in change by now, after subjecting myself to all of the following changes in the last 6 months:

  • Quit my job.
  • Flew LITERALLY halfway around the world.
  • Moved into a new house in new city.
  • Started a new job.
  • First Canadian winter First time being COLD!
  • First Christmas away from family.
  • And now I’m moving again.

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5 Reasons Why “Cardio” is NOT King – Part 2

Move By Design

Conventional wisdom says the best way to build your fitness is to lace up your runners,  find your ‘Cardio Zone’  and stay there for 45-60 min several times per week.

But increasing evidence is piling up suggesting this is – in fact – not the best way to get lean, strong and fit and can actually be downright dangerous.

In part 1 of this blog I went pretty deep into the nuts and bolts of how the body responds to exercise and the broad effects of buying into the cardio myth.

In this post I want to get specific and look at some key by-products of chronic cardio and how that may be holding you back from reaching your health and fitness goals.

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