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Tag: chiropractic

Eat By Design Recipe: Grain-Free Cranberry Muffins

Eat By Design

Grain-Free Cranberry Muffins

I love baking, and when I want to make myself a little treat I always make these muffins!

They’re easy to make, I can use different combinations of flavours, they’re grain-free, and the ingredients are also easy to find (for people living in Ottawa, I went to the Natural Food Pantry to get all my ingredients).

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I Hate Going To The Gym

Move By Design

For those of you who know me this is likely to come as quite a surprise…

Mostly because I own a gym

And also because I’ve been going to the gym since I was about 13 years old and likely haven’t missed more than dozen workouts in the last 25 years (even when I broke my foot I used to put a stationary bike up on a table, sit on a chair and ‘ride the bike’ with my arms… it sucked but it helped keep me in shape while my foot healed.)

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Why Do All Diets Seem To Work?

Eat By Design

You’ve likely heard of your friends or family detailing a new diet that they’re trying and it’s working great, only to hear about someone else explaining a completely different diet that is also working great!

How can this be?

How is it possible that completely contradictory diets still seem to work for some people?

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My Name Is Dave, And I’m An Emotional Eater

Eat By Design

Moving from a conventional or SAD (Standard Australian/American) diet is tough.

Believe me, I know.

When I made the change, I went all in and threw out anything with dairy, sugar, grains and alcohol all at the same time. And next came the WORST. CARB FLU. EVER.

However, I knew it would be a good thing, and a few weeks (and 20 pounds of weight lost) later, I felt great and haven’t looked back since.

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