Nutrition is a central component to your health whether you pay attention to it or not, all of us in Kanata are subject to the same nutrition lies that continue to make the rest of the world sick and fat.
Each one of these myths are embedded as cultural norms and accepted as “the standard” when it comes to nutritional decision-making. Without ever considering the impact of your food choices on how your body functions, you’re left to pay the price for what are often believed to be solid and smart decisions.
Sadly these decisions lie at the root of Kanata’s (and the world’s) declining health status and the consequences will continue to be far-reaching and long lasting.
Each one of these lies could be full, detailed blog posts but for now, let me create some mental chaos by giving you some food for thought.
Everything in Moderation
This mantra is repeated by almost everyone who struggles with the consistency it takes to see results in any area. With nutrition it is the primary rationalization for eating just about anything someone wants to without acknowledging the repercussions.
Meat is Bad For Your Health
Unprocessed meat has no significant association with cardiovascular disease or type II diabetes and is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.
Vegetable Oil is Heart Healthy
Highly processed seed and vegetable oils increase inflammation and contribute to cardiovascular disease.
Fat Makes You Fat
As odd as it may sound fat does not make you fat…at least not when consumed in conjunction with a moderation protein, carbohydrate appropriate diet.
Saturated Fat is Evil
Repeated studies have shown no association between saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease. Saturated fat is also a stable fat full of nutritious fat soluble vitamins.
Grains are a Super Food
Gluten has been a health hot button for the past decade but regardless of whether gluten is toxic or neutral, there is a much better reason to remove wheat and most other grains from your diet. Simply put…they’re just not that nutritious. Any nutrient you can get in a grain, you can find with other food choices in higher quantities, more bio-available and with less potentially toxicity.
For more nutrition myth busting join us at our next live Eat By Design Seminar.