Apparently it lies deep within the rain forest, secretly packed away inside special fruits and herbs that only the world’s best multi level marketing companies have the powers to extract and sell. At least that’s what we’re being told and too many have bought into the hype.
What’s so super about a “superfood”?
This whole food conversation is pretty simple – anything that provides our bodies with quality building blocks that are required for optimal function and has minimal negative effect – essentially moves us towards health, is a food. Anything that moves us away from optimal function and has a net negative effect is considered a poison.
The challenge in making better food choices lies in the unawareness that most substances that are toxic and lowering our health, are generally not fast acting. In fact most – Twinkies, high fructose corn syrup, gluten – act relatively slow.
The point – there are NO superfoods, only super YOU!
How can a food provide you with anything beyond nutrients? People think what they eat can cure them of disease and produce specific health effects. Yes, eating foods that move you towards health will allow the body to function better, build healthier tissues and even enable the body to recover from serious disease – but it is not the food, it’s YOU.
Your body is super: without thinking about it, your body is producing hormones, fighting bacteria, healing, growing, and adapting. You are extraordinary. If you need evidence, try feeding coconut, a supposed “superfood” to a dead person. Nothing happens! The fact that you are alive is what is remarkable. It is life that heals your wounds and life that uses nutrients from your food to create a new heart, hormones and skin.
Please do not misunderstand – the quality of your food is vital to your health. Food provides the nutrients your body requires, but your body takes what it needs and puts it to optimal use.
It’s not coconut that cures diabetes. It’s the way the body uses the nutrients from coconut. Blueberries don’t cure cancer but berries provide micronutrients that the body can use to improve immune system function. And it’s your immune system that is responsible for eliminating cancerous cells.
Never forget that YOU are designed to be extraordinary and YOU are more super than any food.