How do you know if you’re healthy? Most people answer this question, “I feel good.” Although we all want to feel good, there is so much more to being healthy than how you feel! The World Health Organization defines health as: “a state of optimal physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Webster’s defines health as: “a state of wholeness in which all organs are functioning 100%, 100% of the time.”
Health is not only how you feel; it’s how you are functioning. Thousands of Canadians die of heart attacks each and every year, unfortunately, the heart attack is often the first sign of heart disease that may have been developing for up to fifteen years before the first symptom, the heart attack, occurs. So you can’t wait until symptoms show up before you decide to act. Symptoms are a poor barometer of health and usually show up late in the disease process.
Think about it… Have you ever had a friend who was feeling great, had a PAP smear, a mammogram or a chest x-ray and was given bad news several days later? Cancer doesn’t develop in just a few days and yet they were feeling good.
Do you know someone who has diabetes? You know that as long as they are taking a proper quantity of insulin they have no symptoms and feel great. Meanwhile the disease continues to ravage their body over time producing circulatory problems, nerve system disorders, kidney damage, and eventually blindness.
The choice is yours; would you rather live By Design so your body functions at an optimal level or live the typical North American lifestyle and unknowingly allow various diseases progress to a level of crisis before you seek action?
You can’t wait until symptoms develop before you decide to maintain or regain health… it might be too late!

I am very impressed Dr. Gibson.
Will my first visit be covered by OHIP or my health insurance with Great West Life?
Andre Desrochers
Hello Andre!
Thanks for you comment. I’m glad your found the information valuable.
OHIP no longer covers chiropractic, however almost all extended health insurance policies like Great West Life do cover chiropractic. How much they cover is dependent upon your specific policy. For most it varies from $300 up to $1500 per year.
If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to contact me.
[email protected]
(613) 271-8555