Healthy TV Episode 075
There are costs and benefits to specific foods, and in Episode 074 I gave you a good strategy for choosing the right foods to fuel your body…
Click HERE to go back and watch it now.
But there is one other food cost that is rarely considered, and it could be the difference between a good meal and a great one…
Watch the video to find out to find out exactly what I’m talking about!
Curious about what Eat By Design is all about? Click below to get your free copy of our popular Eat By Design Quick Start Guide.
Healthy TV is a weekly health show where I share my favourite tips and strategies to improve your health and the health of your family. Whether you’re struggling with a current health problem, or you are simply looking to squeeze more out of life, we’ve got answers for you!
Do you have a question you’d like answered on a future show? Leave a comment below and I’ll add it to the queue!