Move By Design Archives - Page 15 of 16 - Kanata Chiropractor

Have You Been Struggling At (Or Getting To) The Gym?

Move By Design
I don’t think anyone would argue that exercise is important.  It’s clear that in order to be healthy, we need to move…
Unfortunately, in today’s crazy, busy world, a lot of people we talk to have a hard time fitting a workout into their busy schedule.
In this video Dr. John chats about the 2 main reasons why people struggle at the gym (or maybe getting to the gym!) and what you can do to change that.

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I’ve Designed A Workout Program For You…

Move By Design

What does your Lift Heavy schedule look like?

Can you please share YOUR training program?

This looks awesome! What gym has the equipment and space for me to train like this?

It seems after every Move By Design seminar, we get tons of questions like these, so I thought I’d share my own personal training framework with you.

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Step Away From The Treadmill!

Move By Design

Each Life By Design step bucks the trend of conventional wisdom, but none more so than our disapproval of “chronic cardio”.  “That’s blasphemy!” you say.  Everyone knows that in order to lose body fat and get lean you need to do spend a lot of time walking the infinite steps to nowhere on the climber.  Still not buying in?  Go to the gym, take a look at everyone running, walking, cycling and rowing.  Head back a year later and voila, no change.

How can that be? How can someone spend hours sweating it out on the treadmill in the cardio section and not lose body fat?

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The Importance of Lifting Heavy

Move By Design

We are Designed to be active, really active.  In fact, we have clear indicators that our body requires different types of movements and at a higher frequency than is currently “normal” for the average Kanata resident.

For most of human history we had to work for our survival—literally working with our hands, arms, legs, and feet using all of our muscles and energy systems to obtain food, shelter, and security. Physical “fitness” was an absolute necessity for survival. If you couldn’t sprint or climb it often meant going hungry or even early death and the end of the line for your genes. Walking, foraging, crawling, twisting, climbing, squatting, pushing, pressing, lunging, jumping, throwing and carrying were the basic movements that helped shape human evolution for over two million years.

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