Everyone understands that drugs have side effects. What many people do not realize is that these side effects are often undesirable and sometimes lethal. Drugs all have effects, some predictable and some not…some wanted and some not. Side effects are not really side effects but rather effects of the chemicals in the drugs that are considered to be what must be risked or tolerated for the desired effect of the drug.
What are the side effects of chiropractic? What we have heard from many patients is that there are unexpected benefits of chiropractic so we will call them side benefits instead of side effects. During the course of a person’s corrective care in the office, many if not all receive relief from the concern or condition that caused them to seek our help in the first place. Once the initial healing phase of care is complete, almost all patients make the decision to take a few additional steps to strengthen and stabilize their system so that the health concern that they originally consulted us for is far less likely to repeat.
During this phase of stabilization is when we most often hear of the side benefits of chiropractic care. Here is a partial list of side benefits that we hear about every day:
- Sleep better
- More energy
- Relief from other aches and pains
- Improved digestion and elimination
- Greater clarity of thought
- Improved outlook and attitude
- Fewer colds and improved immune function
- Greater stamina
- Decreased need for some medications
- Better overall health
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