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Tag: technology

Sleep Routine: 5 Bedtime Habits To Optimize Your Sleep

Power By Design

When it comes to getting good quality sleep, most of us are failing… Issues with sleep is the 2nd leading cause of doctor visits, and prescription sleeping ‘aids’ have skyrocketed in the past decade.

Clearly, we are doing something wrong…

In this blog post, I share my own sleep routine including 5 bedtime habits that I have found to help in getting my sleep on track. I also share the best-kept secret to better sleep that few people know about…

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Why Screen Time Is Killing Your Sleep

Life By Design

Healthy TV Episode 091

Am I alone, or are you also in a constant struggle to keep your screen-time in check?

I love my iPhone (and MacBook, and iPad…) and although these devices make my life so much easier in so many ways, they can come with some serious costs…

One major cost is the impact that screen-time has on our brain, and it’s ability to power down at night.

This can disrupt how quickly we can fall asleep, as well as the quality of sleep we get.

For more on how all this happens, check out our White Paper below: Reboot Your Sleep – 4 Ways Technology Is Destroying Your Sleep And What To Do About It.

One of the simplest strategies to help improve your sleep (and therefore your health) is to cut down on screen time at night…. Note I said simple, but far from easy.

That’s why we’ve made it the focus of this month’s challenge at The Wellness Group – to cut out all screen time one hour before bed.

Intrigued? Watch this episode of Healthy TV for the details.

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The Worst Kind Of Debt… Sleep Debt

Life By Design

I’ve really been struggling lately…

Low energy, poor concentration, lack of focus on the task at hand… not to mention a serious reduction in my productivity…

Oh, and don’t forget the 2 large Americanos that have seemingly become necessary for my survival…

Odds are you can relate.

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