dieting Archives - Kanata Chiropractor

Tag: dieting

Why All Calories Are Not Created Equal

Eat By Design

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade or so, weight related illness is a big problem globally. It’s not just those obese Americans anymore, Australia, Canada and France have also seen steady increases in obesity rates.

The alarming increase in our collective waistline’s has created an EXPLOSION in the health and fitness industry – especially in the exercise and weight loss arena.

Typing ‘weight loss’ into produces over 83,000 books, with more titles being added every day. With so much content and opinion being produced on such an important issue, it can be hard to know who to listen to and what’s the right thing to do to eat healthy (and what’s the wrong thing to do).

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Are You A Fat Burner?

Eat By Design

I grew up in rural PEI (yes, I know that is a redundant statement.)

When I was about 11 or 12 one of my chores was to mow our 4 acre property and a real love-hate relationship was quickly born.

Hate because it took forever, involved 7-8hrs of push-mowing and the mosquitoes were fierce. Love because it meant I got to drive the ride-on lawnmower – a big Kubota tractor with an industrial mower attached that could turn anything to mulch.  A real country boy toy…

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3 Key Strategies To Help You Stick To Your Diet

Eat By Design

Now it’s your turn. What strategies do you find most helpful in staying on track with your diet?

Dr. has committed himself to helping others to live the best life possible. After graduating with a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario, he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree and Masters of Science in Chiropractic Sports Science from Life University.   He is the co-creator of Life By Design, owner of The Wellness Group, and co-owner of CrossFit 613. His passion for empowering families runs deep. After experiencing the loss of his sister due to illness, Michael’s purpose became reaching and teaching as many as possible the foundational principles of an extraordinary life.  Since that time he has passionately pursued and been successful in living out his dream. He maintains a busy family chiropractic practice, a full speaking schedule and finds time to implement the principles and practices of Life By Design in his own life.