children's health Archives - Kanata Chiropractor

Tag: children’s health

6 Steps To Make Your Kids More Productive

Think By Design

What ever happened to playing outside until the streetlights came on? Now, the only lights most of our kids are exposed to is the blue light emanating from the screens of their digital devices.

Only time will tell the full effect of abundant screen time on the physical and mental health of our population, in the meantime, it makes sense to apply some creativity to the problem.

One viable solution is leveraging what we know about productivity and teaching our kids how to pursue a life they can love today and in their future.

It starts with these 6 steps that will make your kids more productive.

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How To Raise Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Think By Design

Hats off to all the moms and dads out there.

Seriously, you deserve it.

Being a parent is easily one of the hardest tasks that anyone will endevour in their lifetime. There are all kinds of challenges and obstacles, and what’s worse is they not only multiply as your kids get older, they also get way more complex as time goes by.

One day your kid’s biggest problem is needing a diaper change, the next, they’re deciding what career path to follow.

One of the most important, and most difficult challenges in raising a child is ensuring they develop a healthy level of self-esteem. A lack of healthy self-esteem lies at the root of all kinds of mental health disorders, and is fundamental to creating success in almost all aspects of your child’s life, from social relationships to academic and career success down the line.

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The Childhood Condition That Keeps Parents Up At Night

Life By Design

Over 50% of all infants experience an ear infection before the age of 1 and 75% by age 5!

In addition to the pain and irritation for your child, this childhood condition also means hours of lost sleep for you, the parent.

Also known as Otitis Media (OM), an ear infection is a condition of the middle ear.  Here are some quick facts that may be helpful:

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Kids are #1 At The Chiropractor

Power By Design

“One day I felt fine, and then the next day I was just. . ..”

How often have you heard this? Probably enough that you do not even recognize the absolute absurdity of that statement. Except for severe traumas, such as car accidents, major falls, poisoning, etc., people do not suddenly become ill. Disease does not occur spontaneously.

Small traumas, long-term abuse and negligence, though unnoticeable at first, take their toll on the body over a period of time. When the first symptoms appear, the body has already been malfunctioning for some period of time — often years.

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