cardio Archives - Kanata Chiropractor

Tag: cardio

5 Reasons Why “Cardio” is NOT King – Part 2

Move By Design

Conventional wisdom says the best way to build your fitness is to lace up your runners,  find your ‘Cardio Zone’  and stay there for 45-60 min several times per week.

But increasing evidence is piling up suggesting this is – in fact – not the best way to get lean, strong and fit and can actually be downright dangerous.

In part 1 of this blog I went pretty deep into the nuts and bolts of how the body responds to exercise and the broad effects of buying into the cardio myth.

In this post I want to get specific and look at some key by-products of chronic cardio and how that may be holding you back from reaching your health and fitness goals.

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Step Away From The Treadmill!

Move By Design

Each Life By Design step bucks the trend of conventional wisdom, but none more so than our disapproval of “chronic cardio”.  “That’s blasphemy!” you say.  Everyone knows that in order to lose body fat and get lean you need to do spend a lot of time walking the infinite steps to nowhere on the climber.  Still not buying in?  Go to the gym, take a look at everyone running, walking, cycling and rowing.  Head back a year later and voila, no change.

How can that be? How can someone spend hours sweating it out on the treadmill in the cardio section and not lose body fat?

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