Healthy TV Episode 084
How Much Sun Do I Need?
For the past 30 years we have consistently sold the message ‘Sun = Bad’ and that less sun = better health.
We’re told to cover up, lather up with sunscreen and avoid the sun if we want to protect ourselves from cancer.
A recent 20-year study following 29,518 women has called this into question. The research – based in Sweden – found that the women avoiding sun exposure were twice as likely to die from ‘all causes,’ as compared to women who didn’t practice sun-avoidance.
And although the higher sun-exposure group had higher rates of skin cancers, their rates of heart disease and other non-skin cancers was significantly lower, leading the researchers to question current recommendations around sun exposure.
Obviously too much sun is not good for your skin, but recent research like the one above indicate there’s something about sun exposure that actually protect us from chronic health problems, and appears to add to life expectancy.
In this video I discuss what the science is telling us, and its much more than just boosting your Vitamin D levels!
Take home points:
- Moderate sun exposure causes the release of several key chemicals in the body – including vitamin D – which are essential for your body to be healthy.
- This happens when UVB rays hit the skin.
- The amount of time required is directly related to your skin tone – the lighter/fairer you are, the shorter the time while darker skinned individuals require more exposure to get the same response.
- It’s also related to how much skin is exposed. Aim for 70% of skin exposed for optimal.
- A rough rule of thumb is about half the time it takes you to start burning. eg. I’m pretty fair skinned and at the beginning of the season, it only takes me ~20min to start getting pink. So 10min is long enough.
- As your skin adapts (eg. you build up a tan) it takes longer to burn therefore the optimal time in the sun goes up too.
All of this process is halted when you put on sunscreen, which are designed to block UVB rays. So if you’re going to use sunscreen, consider spending a short period of time in the sun prior to lathering up!
And If you plan on being out in the sun for a big chunk of time, cover up, get in the shade and/or use a zinc-oxide based sunscreen which provides natural protection from both UVB and UVA rays.
Healthy TV is a weekly health show where I share my favourite tips and strategies to improve your health and the health of your family. Whether you’re struggling with a current health problem, or you are simply looking to squeeze more out of life, we’ve got answers for you!
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