Healthy TV Episode 083
Recently I decided I’m going to enter my first trail race… I’ve been talking about it for the past 2 years but this year I AM going to do it!
So I started training and after my first couple of short runs, I was pretty sore…
One thing I realized is that I don’t even think to do a warm-up prior to running, I mean… it’s only running right?
If you’re in the same boat, then this simple, 90 second warmup can make a big difference! Think of it like a bit of a reset, to begin to prepare your body for the movement required in running.
This movement – called the ‘Perfect Stretch’ is actually a combination of 3 different movements that accomplishes 2 things simultaneously:
1. It lengthens the muscles that tend to get tight from all the sitting that most of us do all day like your hip flexors, quads and calves.
2. It activates the muscles on your backside (glutes & hamstrings) that should be propelling us when we’re running.
It’s a bit of a stretch to call this sequence of movements a ‘stretch’… In fact, in most cases it’s not a great idea to do static stretches (holding for more than 15 seconds) prior to exercise because this can actually negatively impact your performance.
But you’re safe with this quick warmup because we’re only holding the positions for 2-3 seconds, which puts this squarely in the ‘mobility exercise’ category.
Watch the video for details and give it a try before your next run!
Healthy TV is a weekly health show where I share my favourite tips and strategies to improve your health and the health of your family. Whether you’re struggling with a current health problem, or you are simply looking to squeeze more out of life, we’ve got answers for you!
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