Healthy TV | Episode 040
We all know that subtle, stinky smell… The one that wafts out at you when you open the fridge, reminding you of the quickly decaying spinach or the slimy cucumber that you neglected to eat.
If you want to get the most out of your food $$ and cut your waste, watch this video!
Food Waste
The only thing I hate more than rotten veggies in my fridge is, well… cleaning my fridge.
But seriously, one of my biggest pet peeves is wasting food… I HATE throwing food out because it’s gone bad. Not only am I wasting my hard-earned $$, but also the time it takes to replace that food, and the loss of nutrient quality when I don’t properly store my veggies.
Not to mention the massive food wastage problem we have in Canada – most recently calculated to be $31b annually! That’s a lot of spinach.
The numbers are truly staggering – approximately 183 kg of solid food and 84.6 litres of liquids PER PERSON in Canada! And before you hang that on the distributors of food (like I did…), consider that approximately 47% of food wastage happens in the home.
I put together these 5 tips to help you to make sure you can keep your veggies fresh, longer!
Watch the video below.
I’d love to know, do you have any cool hacks to keep your fresh food fresh?
Healthy TV is a weekly health show where I share my favorite tips and strategies to improve your health and the health of your family. Whether you’re struggling with a current health problem, or you are simply looking to squeeze more out of life, we’ve got answers for you!